USA and China Lead Sales of Fasteners to Brazil in Quantity and Value Respectively - FASTENER EUROPE MAGAZINE
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USA and China Lead Sales of Fasteners to Brazil in Quantity and Value Respectively

Considering the quantities in tons, China continues its strong presence, as has happened in almost the whole planet, in many manufactured products lines sold to Brazil, as has happened with fasteners. However, its added value is the lowest, around US$ 1.80/kg, as we saw during the summit of Five Regions Fasteners Association” (the group formed by China. Hong Kong. Japan, South Korea and Taiwan), held in Taiwan in 2014. Between January and August of 2016. the value of fasteners sold to Brazil on average was a little higher at US$ 3.51, but in this period Asiatic Giant delivered 5,413 tons, keeping an 18% share. On another side, the USA sold 2,809 tons, half of China's in tons, but its average price was US$ 12.41. almost 3.5 times higher than China.